Feathers is a hobby breeder with a small, private,
closed aviary
breeding for color, beauty, and love for the
birds exclusively, and for my personal collection.
Many Feathers, only breeds large macaws, specializing
in F3 & F4 generation ara ararauna x ara
macao hybrids (predominantly
Camelot & Capri Macaws) & keeps
other large hookbill species, besides macaws,
as companions and family.
The main goal of this site is to provide images
of & information about some of the beautiful
Camelot, Capri & Hybrid Macaws. As
a lover & caretaker of several of these
splendid creatures, I will be periodically uploading
images of the various birds & some of their
beautiful molted feathers for your viewing pleasure.
Many Feathers has a Global following, with more
international visitors daily then we do from
the United States. For this reason the site
was revised long ago with more images and less
text . In this spirit, the visual content communicates
in a universal language that everyone viewing
the site can appreciate & relate to.
A Warm Hello to Macaw Lovers World Round :-)
from All of Us at Many Feathers!
keep in mind:
Many Feathers is an online venue exclusively
with no physical public access.
This site is intended for information
& enjoyment only.