Capri Macaws * Sunkist & Blondie *
Capri Macaws, Sunkist & Blondie

Capri Macaws, Sunkist & Blondie

Sunkist & Blondie

Hybrid Capri Macaws, Sunkist & Blondie

Hybrid Capri Macaws

Blondie & Sunkist

Sunkist & Blondie

Capri Macaws, Sunkist & Blondie

Blondie & Sunkist

Capri  Macaws

2/02/09 - 1 yr. 9 mo. old Blondie & 4 yr. old Sunkist are unrelated 3rd generation hybrid Capri Macaws. Blondie has been vying for Sunkist's attention for the past few months, and he has finally warmed up to her. Blondie is the lighter orange colored macaw with the bright yellow band of upper wing covert feathers, similar to a Scarlet macaw's, but without the red vein. Sunkist has the lime green nape and wide cape of yellow edged in lime on top of his wings. Both Capri Macaws have orange-yellow center tail feathers. Blondie has been molting recently including 3 of her tail feathers. Extra seasonal molts are often stimulated by the heat from the furnace during the winter. All pix on this page were taken inside with a flash on 2/02/09., hybrid macaws, camelot macaw

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